Interested in Auditioning?
Singing membership in Good Company is by invitation of the music director. We look for singers with good reading ability, a good ear for foreign languages, and a high level of commitment to attending rehearsals. To arrange for an audition, contact the Director (see link below).
We rehearse on Monday evenings from 7:15 to 9:15 pm at Lakewood Presbyterian Church, 14502 Detroit Avenue at Marlowe. Both singing members and non-singing board members pay annual dues of $50. This entitles a member to voting privileges and offsets the music director’s salary, purchase of music, digital recording of each concert, printing and postage. In case of financial hardship, special confidential arrangements can be made. We also take a free-will offering at each of our own concerts and request an honorarium when we sing for other sponsors.
Our size and clarity of sound lend themselves well to the performance of madrigals, motets, and other intimate vocal forms from various style periods. While many of us hold degrees in music or perform professionally, most of us are engaged in professions other than music for our livelihoods. Motivated purely by a love for choral music, we share an interest in programming and casting a more mature light on a repertoire which is rarely heard outside of an academic setting.
If you are interested or would like more information, please contact